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muka, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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supposedly, allegedly, as if (used to express that what follows is doubtful or untrue) Fin:Miten voi kalliimpi olla aina muka jotenkin parempi?Eng:How can more expensive supposedly always be somehow better?Fin:Oletko sinä muka purjehtinut Atlantin yli?Eng:Do you claim you have sailed across the Atlantic? Show more arrow right mukamas Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic muka, probably derived from muu. Akin to Karelian muka, Livvi muga and Veps muga. Show more arrow right
supposedly muka, ilmeisesti, otaksuttavasti, mukamas
ostensibly näennäisesti, muka
pretext tekosyy, veruke, muka
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Tatoeba; Europarl; OPUS Älä vaan höynäytä mua muka. Just don't try to trick me supposedly. Muka osallistujista vain kolme oli naisia. Only three of the participants were women. Muka Jacques Barrotin vastaus on ineffektiivinen. Allegedly Jacques Barrot's response is ineffective. Muka tänään hän saisi tuntea mitä se oikeastaan tarkoitti. Supposedly today she would get to feel what it actually meant. Hän muotti ravinnokseen monia yleisesti pidettyjä terveellisiä aineksia, muka lukien pähkinät, yrtit ja muut vihannekset. She molded many commonly held healthy ingredients into her diet, including nuts, herbs, and other vegetables. Show more arrow right
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