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measure (prescribed quantity or extent) measure (limit that cannot be exceeded) Fin:Minun mittani on täynnä.Eng:I have reached my measure (I have had enough). measure (receptacle or vessel of standard size) Fin:suolamittaEng:measure of salt measure (standard against which something can be judged) Fin:Rehellisyys on miehen todellinen mitta.Eng:Honesty is the true measure of a man. measure (any of various standard units of capacity) Fin:Kyläläiset maksoivat viholliselle tuhat mittaa viljaa.Eng:The villagers paid to the enemy a thousand measures of corn. measure (size ascertained by measuring) Fin:mittatilauspukuEng:made-to-measure suit measure (something to take measurements) Fin:mittanauhaEng:tape measure length, measure Fin:hevosenmittaEng:horse length Show more arrow right mittaan Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic mitta, borrowed from Proto-Germanic [Term?] (compare Old English mitta, Gothic 𐌼𐌹𐍄𐌰𐌸𐍃 (mitaþs, “measure”)). Show more arrow right
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