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meritse, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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(travel) by sea Show more arrow right From meri (“sea”) +‎ -itse. Show more arrow right
by sea meritse, laivalla
by water vesitse, meritse
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OpenSubtitles; Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; CommonCrawl; OPUS - Open Parallel Corpus; TEC Corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus Matkasin Tukholmaan meritse. I traveled to Stockholm by sea. Meritse kulkeva tie on kapea. The road via which goes by the sea is narrow. Laiva saapuu Suomeen meritse. The ship arrives in Finland by sea. Kaksi, meritse. Two, they come by sea. Matka taitetaan yleensä meritse. The journey is usually made by sea. He pääsivät saarelle vain meritse. They could only reach the island by sea. Meritse kuljetaan tavarat suoraan kotiin. The goods are transported straight home by sea. Saari on mahdollista tavoittaa vain meritse. The island can only be reached by sea. Yksi, jos maalta; kaksi, jos meritse. One if by land, two if by sea. Meritse saapuminen on nopein tapa matkustaa saarelle. Arriving by sea is the fastest way to travel to the island. Show more arrow right


(travel) by sea Show more arrow right From meri (“sea”) +‎ -itse. Show more arrow right
by sea meritse, laivalla
by water vesitse, meritse
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OpenSubtitles; Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; CommonCrawl; OPUS - Open Parallel Corpus; TEC Corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus Matkasin Tukholmaan meritse. I traveled to Stockholm by sea. Meritse kulkeva tie on kapea. The road via which goes by the sea is narrow. Laiva saapuu Suomeen meritse. The ship arrives in Finland by sea. Kaksi, meritse. Two, they come by sea. Matka taitetaan yleensä meritse. The journey is usually made by sea. He pääsivät saarelle vain meritse. They could only reach the island by sea. Meritse kuljetaan tavarat suoraan kotiin. The goods are transported straight home by sea. Saari on mahdollista tavoittaa vain meritse. The island can only be reached by sea. Yksi, jos maalta; kaksi, jos meritse. One if by land, two if by sea. Meritse saapuminen on nopein tapa matkustaa saarelle. Arriving by sea is the fastest way to travel to the island. Show more arrow right
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