sect (offshoot of a larger religion sharing at least some unorthodox beliefs)cult (group of people with a sect-like religious identity but exploitative or regarded by outsiders as exploitative towards its members)(biology, taxonomy) orderShow more (cult): kulttiShow more alalahkolahkolainenlahkolaisuuslahkollinenShow more lahkohenkilahkokuntalahkolaitoslahkoliikelahkomyllylahko-oppilahkosuuntalahkouskoinenuskonlahkoShow more From an obsolete sense of the word, which means a combine of peasants who jointly own a resource, such as a pasture, workhorse or mill. Now similar combines are organized as osuuskunta (“cooperative”). The ultimate origin is disputed; it could be a loan from Old Swedish lagh (compare Swedish lag (“a workgroup, a team”)) or related to Estonian lahk, Livonian lō’gõ, Veps lahk, Votic lahk, suggesting Proto-Finnic lahko, probably borrowed either from Proto-Germanic slagiz or Proto-Germanic slahō.Show more Press Esc to closeSource: uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.