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kuoliaaksi, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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(used with a verb signifying abstract or concrete change) dead, to death Fin:ampua ~Eng:to shoot deadFin:jäätyä ~Eng:to freeze to death Show more arrow right From kuolias, from kuolla (to die) +‎ -ias. Show more arrow right
to death kuoliaaksi, lopen
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Europarl Parallel Corpus v7, sentence ID: 38755; Europarl Parallel Corpus v7, sentence ID: 70579; Ted Corpus, sentence ID: 290751; Ted Corpus, sentence ID: 100733 Minä koulutin itseäni kuoliaaksi. I trained myself to death. Huolehdi makean veden puhaltajista kuoliaaksi. Care for the sweet water blowers to death. Jos vaimosi estää sinua puhumasta, niin kuoliaaksi vain. If your wife prevents you from speaking, then to death with it. Hän on työskennellyt kuoliaaksi voidakseen pysyä pinnalla. He has worked themselves to death to stay afloat. Show more arrow right
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(used with a verb signifying abstract or concrete change) dead, to death Fin:ampua ~Eng:to shoot deadFin:jäätyä ~Eng:to freeze to death Show more arrow right From kuolias, from kuolla (to die) +‎ -ias. Show more arrow right
to death kuoliaaksi, lopen
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Europarl Parallel Corpus v7, sentence ID: 38755; Europarl Parallel Corpus v7, sentence ID: 70579; Ted Corpus, sentence ID: 290751; Ted Corpus, sentence ID: 100733 Minä koulutin itseäni kuoliaaksi. I trained myself to death. Huolehdi makean veden puhaltajista kuoliaaksi. Care for the sweet water blowers to death. Jos vaimosi estää sinua puhumasta, niin kuoliaaksi vain. If your wife prevents you from speaking, then to death with it. Hän on työskennellyt kuoliaaksi voidakseen pysyä pinnalla. He has worked themselves to death to stay afloat. Show more arrow right
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