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kammottavasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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horribly Show more arrow right kammottava +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba; OPUS; Tatoeba FI-EN Parallel Sentences, sentence ID: 8426572; SETimes; Europarl; OpenSubtitles; OPUS - Finnish English Hansard Corpus, sentence ID: 1204-2470; OPUS - Finnish English Parliamentary Corpus, sentence ID: 4312-5543; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence ID: 10006-18637; Common Crawl FI-EN 2012 Corpus, sentence ID: 639-914 Minua kammottavasti hävetti. I was dreadfully embarrassed. Hän käyttäytyi kammottavasti. He behaved appallingly. Hevonen pelkäsi kammottavasti ukkosta. The horse was horrifiedly afraid of thunder. Tunnen itseni kammottavasti yksinäiseksi. I feel awfully lonely. Kammottavasti pelkäsin sitä koetilannetta. I was terrified of that test situation. Elämä on toisinaan niin kammottavasti kaunis. Life can be so horrifically beautiful at times. Hän kärsii kammottavasti korkeanpaikankammosta. He suffers from a horrific fear of heights. Lapset pelkäsivät elokuvan kammottavasti loppua. The children were scared of the horribly ending of the movie. Kammottavasti syöpään sairastuneita on yhä enemmän. There are more and more people getting cancer horribly. Kammottavasti rikkaat ja köyhät jakautuvat yhteiskunnassa. The rich and poor are divided in society horrifically. Show more arrow right
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horribly Show more arrow right kammottava +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba; OPUS; Tatoeba FI-EN Parallel Sentences, sentence ID: 8426572; SETimes; Europarl; OpenSubtitles; OPUS - Finnish English Hansard Corpus, sentence ID: 1204-2470; OPUS - Finnish English Parliamentary Corpus, sentence ID: 4312-5543; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence ID: 10006-18637; Common Crawl FI-EN 2012 Corpus, sentence ID: 639-914 Minua kammottavasti hävetti. I was dreadfully embarrassed. Hän käyttäytyi kammottavasti. He behaved appallingly. Hevonen pelkäsi kammottavasti ukkosta. The horse was horrifiedly afraid of thunder. Tunnen itseni kammottavasti yksinäiseksi. I feel awfully lonely. Kammottavasti pelkäsin sitä koetilannetta. I was terrified of that test situation. Elämä on toisinaan niin kammottavasti kaunis. Life can be so horrifically beautiful at times. Hän kärsii kammottavasti korkeanpaikankammosta. He suffers from a horrific fear of heights. Lapset pelkäsivät elokuvan kammottavasti loppua. The children were scared of the horribly ending of the movie. Kammottavasti syöpään sairastuneita on yhä enemmän. There are more and more people getting cancer horribly. Kammottavasti rikkaat ja köyhät jakautuvat yhteiskunnassa. The rich and poor are divided in society horrifically. Show more arrow right
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