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(transitive) to lose, misplace (transitive) to destroy completely, demolish, wipe out, annihilate, decimate (transitive) to kill, liquidate, rub out, bump off, put down, put to sleep (usually insects, more rarely mammals) Fin:Tämän suihkeen pitäisi hävittää hyttyset talosta.Eng:This spray should kill the mosquitoes from the house. (transitive) to exterminate, annihilate (people) Fin:Stalinin hallinnon arvellaan hävittäneen miljoonia toisinajattelijoita.Eng:The Stalin government is thought to have exterminated millions of dissidents. (transitive) to devastate, lay waste to, ravage Fin:Tapaninpäivän tsunami vuonna 2004 hävitti tuhansia kyliä Kaakkois-Aasian rannikolla.Thousands of villages on the Southeast Asian coast were devastated by the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004. (or, literally: The B. D. t. devastated...)Eng: (transitive) to waste, squander, blow Fin:Yritys onnistui hävittämään miljardeja euroja virheinvestointeihin.Eng:The company managed to waste billions of euros in mistaken investments. (transitive) to dispose of Show more arrow right (to lose, misplace): hukata Show more arrow right (to lose, misplace): hävittää takes the illative (or, with some words, allative) case for location, i.e. require the question "where ... to?" instead of "where?".The elative (or, in some cases, ablative) case is used with etsiä, löytyä, löytää, lukea and kuulla. (i.e. "where ... from?" instead of "where?").The illative (or, in some cases, allative) case is used with saapua, eksyä, eksyttää, jäädä, jättää, hukkua, hukata, kadota, kadottaa, hävitä, hävittää and rakentaa. (i.e. "where ... to?" instead of "where?") Show more arrow right Nouns hävittäjähävitys Show more arrow right hävitä +‎ -ttää; a causative verb. Show more arrow right
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