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(transitive) to give; to allow; to present, donate Fin:Annoin Liisalle kukat.Eng:I gave Liisa flowers. (transitive + genitive + infinitive) To let, allow, permit. Fin:Anna hänen mennä.Eng:Let him go. (transitive) To issue (to announce a legal statute). Fin:Valtioneuvosto antoi asetuksen.The Cabinet issued a decree. (in Finland)Eng: (transitive) To distribute, hand/pass out. (transitive) To grant, confer. (transitive) To have any luck with fishing, gambling, etc., subject is unnamed it. Fin:Antaakohan se tänään ahvenia?Eng:I wonder whether I will catch any perch today? (lit. "whether it will give some perch (to me)") (colloquial) To consent to have sex (with = allative). Show more arrow right (to give): suoda(to let, allow, permit): sallia, suoda Show more arrow right (give): ottaa(let, allow, permit): kieltää; estää(to be lucky in fishing, hunting): pyytää Show more arrow right (to give): The indirect object (that who or which is given to) is in allative case.(to issue): The passive past participle of this verb is also used when the name of an Act of the Finnish Parliament consisting of laki and an elative qualifier needs inflecting. In other words, in the nominative case the act No. 684/2015 is known as laki eräistä asbestipurkutyötä koskevista vaatimuksista 'the Act on Certain Requirements Concerning Asbestos Removal Work'. In the inessive case, the name is pronounced in legislative texts as eräistä asbestipurkutyötä koskevista vaatimuksista annetussa laissa 'in the Act (issued) on Certain Requirements Concerning Asbestos Removal Work'.(to consent to have sex): This usage means very often that the person consenting to have sex is the submissive party, not necessarily enjoying the activity that much. Show more arrow right Adjectives antelias Nouns annosantajaantiantimetanto Verbs frequentative anniskellareflexive antautua antaa anteeksi = to forgive; to condoneantaa kaikkensaantaa periksiantaa turpaanantaa ylen = to vomit, throw up; to throw overantaa ymmärtää, että... = to intimate that... Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic antadak, from Proto-Uralic ëmta-, cognate with Estonian andma, Northern Sami vuovdit (“to sell”), Komi-Zyrian уд (ud) and Hungarian ad. Show more arrow right
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