(intransitive) tostayup, stayawake (to remain awake, to not go to bed)Fin:Hän valvoi yli nukkumaanmenoaikansa.Eng:She stayed up past her bedtime.(transitive + partitive) tooversee, supervise, superintend, guideFin:Kongressin tehtävänä on valvoa liittovaltion varojen käyttöä.Eng:It is congress's duty to oversee the spending of federal funds.towatch, keepaneyeontoenforce (law)tosupervise, proctor, monitor, invigilate (an examination)Show more (to oversee, supervise, superintend): tarkkailla(to watch, keep an eye): katsoaShow more NounsvalvojavalvontavalveVerbscausative valvottaaPhrasesvalvoa yötä myötenShow more From dialectal valvaa + -oa, from Proto-Finnic valvadak, possibly ultimately derived from the verb that would become valaa. Cognate to Estonian valvama and Karelian valvuo.Show more Press Esc to closeSource:
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