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uu, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; WikiMatrix; Europarl; oj4; JW300 Hän on uuno. Yeah. he's a dope. Typerä uuno! You stupid schmuck! Kuka uuno on? Who's the fresh? Uuno nukahtaa. He falls asleep. Uuhi nurisi metsässä hiljaa. A sheep baaed softly in the forest. Uuhis-ja vuohipalkkio. Ewe and goat premiums. Ja mies on kauhea uuno. And look at the disaster she's with. Ken tuo hullu on, kahjo uuno? This is not The Maria we know. Uuhi karkasi aitauksesta ja juoksi vapauteen. The ewe escaped from the pen and ran to freedom. Richards ja tuo uuno näkyvät videolla. I have Richards and this moron on videotape. Show more arrow right
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; WikiMatrix; Europarl; oj4; JW300 Hän on uuno. Yeah. he's a dope. Typerä uuno! You stupid schmuck! Kuka uuno on? Who's the fresh? Uuno nukahtaa. He falls asleep. Uuhi nurisi metsässä hiljaa. A sheep baaed softly in the forest. Uuhis-ja vuohipalkkio. Ewe and goat premiums. Ja mies on kauhea uuno. And look at the disaster she's with. Ken tuo hullu on, kahjo uuno? This is not The Maria we know. Uuhi karkasi aitauksesta ja juoksi vapauteen. The ewe escaped from the pen and ran to freedom. Richards ja tuo uuno näkyvät videolla. I have Richards and this moron on videotape. Show more arrow right
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