(veterinary medicine) constipation. Theexpressionsollaummella (to have constipation) andtullaummelle (to get constipated) maybeusedofhumans, buttheyarebecomingarchaicinthissense.deep, untouchedsnow (with no tracks)(figuratively, archaic) insurmountableobstacleShow more (constipation, obstipation): ummetus(deep, untouched snow): umpihanki, umpinenShow more See the prefix umpi- for more.Show more virtsaumpiShow more From Proto-Finnic umpi, borrowed from Proto-Germanic umbi (“around, about, by, near”), which was perhaps already borrowed into Proto-Finno-Saamic (compare Northern Sami oppa (“whole; quite a”)).Show more Press Esc to closeSource:
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