toescort, usher, see, accompany, walkFin:Saatatko minut kotiin?Eng:Will you walk me home?Fin:~ ulosEng:to see off (accompany someone to a point of departure)tobring, drive (into a situation)Fin:Olet saattanut minut häpeään.Eng:You have brought me to shame.(auxiliary, + first infinitive) may (do, probably do); (in the conditional mood) might (do, probably do)(auxiliary, + first infinitive; in simple past tense) tohavetheimpudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), beableto (do)Fin:Miten sinä saatoit arvostella meitä?Eng:How dare you criticize us?Show more (to have the impudence/nerve, dare) uskaltaa, kehdata, iljetä, juljeta(might do) taitaaShow more NounssaattosaattueVerbsfrequentative saatellaShow more From Proto-Finnic saattadak. Equivalent to saa + -ttaa.Show more Press Esc to closeSource: uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.