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to escort, usher, see, accompany, walk Fin:Saatatko minut kotiin?Eng:Will you walk me home?Fin:~ ulosEng:to see off (accompany someone to a point of departure) to bring, drive (into a situation) Fin:Olet saattanut minut häpeään.Eng:You have brought me to shame. (auxiliary, + first infinitive) may (do, probably do); (in the conditional mood) might (do, probably do) (auxiliary, + first infinitive; in simple past tense) to have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), be able to (do) Fin:Miten sinä saatoit arvostella meitä?Eng:How dare you criticize us? Show more arrow right (to have the impudence/nerve, dare) uskaltaa, kehdata, iljetä, juljeta(might do) taitaa Show more arrow right Nouns saattosaattue Verbs frequentative saatella Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic saattadak. Equivalent to saa +‎ -ttaa. Show more arrow right
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