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pim, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, Sentence ID: 500; Europarl Parallel Corpus, Sentence ID: 1000; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; OPUS Parallel Corpus; WikiMatrix; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus Pim leviää. The darkness spreads. Pim ahdistaa menneisyys. The past hurts. Pim, tule! Pim, come on! Nimeni on Pim. My name is Pim. Pim oli sulavaa ja makeahkoa. The pim was smooth and slightly sweet. Pim Ligthart (s. "Pim Ligthart". Pim oli Mikan äidin syntymäpaikka. The pim was the birthplace of Mika's mother. Minkälaista ajatustyötä pim vaatii? What kind of thinking work does the pim require? Pim, palataan Koreaan. Pim, never mind, let's go back to Korea. Pimns-pom, muffini kutsuu. Ding dong, the cupcake's calling. Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, Sentence ID: 500; Europarl Parallel Corpus, Sentence ID: 1000; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; OPUS Parallel Corpus; WikiMatrix; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus Pim leviää. The darkness spreads. Pim ahdistaa menneisyys. The past hurts. Pim, tule! Pim, come on! Nimeni on Pim. My name is Pim. Pim oli sulavaa ja makeahkoa. The pim was smooth and slightly sweet. Pim Ligthart (s. "Pim Ligthart". Pim oli Mikan äidin syntymäpaikka. The pim was the birthplace of Mika's mother. Minkälaista ajatustyötä pim vaatii? What kind of thinking work does the pim require? Pim, palataan Koreaan. Pim, never mind, let's go back to Korea. Pimns-pom, muffini kutsuu. Ding dong, the cupcake's calling. Show more arrow right
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