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(transitive + partitive) to wait (for), await, expect, anticipate Fin:Hän odottaa sinua.Eng:She is waiting for you.Fin:~ innolla, mielenkiinnolla, jännityksellä etc. (+ partitive)Eng:to look forward to (to anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure) (transitive) to expect, to anticipate (someone = genitive, to do something = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän) Fin:Hän odotti heidän tulevan.Eng:She expected them to come. (transitive + partitive) to be expecting, be pregnant Fin:Hän odottaa poikaa.Eng:She is expecting a boy. Show more arrow right Adjectives odottava Nouns odoteodottajaodotus Verbs frequentative odotellafactitive odotuttaa Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic [Term?], from Proto-Finno-Permic oća-. Akin to Estonian ootama, Karelian vuottua, Livonian vȯ’dlõ, Ludian vuotada, Votic oottaa, Erzya утшомс (utšoms) and Eastern Mari вучаш (vučaš). Show more arrow right
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