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(transitive) tosellShow more (to sell): ostaaShow more Nounsmyyjämyymälämyyntimyydäitseään (“to prostitute (oneself)”)myydä loppuunShow more From Proto-Finnic müüdäk, möödäk, from Proto-Uralic mixe- (“to give”), probably borrowed from Proto-Indo-European h₂meygʷ-. Cognate with Estonian müüma, Veps möda, Võro müümä. The Proto-Finnic origin is unclear, as reflexes of both -üü- and -öö- are found. The Finnish and Estonian forms point to -üü-, but the alternative Finnish form myödä reflects -öö-, as does the Veps form. The Võro form could reflect either, as the two vowels merge in that language.Show more Press Esc to closeSource: uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.