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(transitive) to turn, twist, screw, rotate (transitive) to roll (up) (transitive) to wind, wrap (transitive, + partitive) to circle, go around, circumvent (transitive or intransitive; tr. -> + partitive) to roam, rove, wander (transitive, e.g. of a satellite, + partitive) to orbit (transitive) to surround, encircle (transitive, + genitive-accusative) to round. (transitive) to circumvent, evade, dodge, avoid (transitive) to circumvent, get around/past (intransitive) to spin, turn, revolve (intransitive, of piston) to reciprocate (intransitive, of blood in vessels) to circulate (intransitive) to go around (from person to person) to make the rounds, do the rounds (to circulate from one place to another) Fin:Sen julkkiksen alastonkuvat ovat kiertäneet iltapäivälehdissä.Eng:The naked photos of that celebrity have been making the rounds in the tabloids. to make the rounds, do the rounds (to go from one place to another for a particular reason) Fin:Sairaalan lääkärit tarkastavat potilaat, kun he kiertävät yhdeksältä.Eng:The doctors at the hospital check on the patients when they make the rounds at nine o'clock. Show more arrow right (to turn, twist, screw) pyörittää(to roll (up)) kierittää, kääriä(to wind, wrap) kietoa(to circle, go around, circumvent) kulkea ympäri (+ partitive, when circling the object continuously; + genitive-accusative, when doing one trip around sth)(to roam, rove, wander) kulkea ympäri (+ partitive, when -"-; + genitive-accusative, when -"-)(to orbit) kulkea + partitive + ympäri(to surround, encircle) ympäröidä(to circumvent, evade, dodge, avoid) vältellä(to circumvent, get around/past) ohittaa(to spin, turn, revolve) pyöriä Show more arrow right Nouns kierrekierroskiertokiertolainenkiertuekiertäminenkiertäjä Verbs frequentative kierrelläcausative kierrättääpassive kiertyämomentanepassive kierähtääcausative kieräyttääcausativefrequentative kieräytelläfrequentativecausative kierrätelläpassivereflexive kiertäytyäfrequentative kiertyillä kiertää kaukaa = to give a wide berth to, keep one's distance from, steer clear of, stay away fromkiertää kuin kissa kuumaa puuroa = to beat around the bushkiertää lakia = to get around the law, dodge the lawkiertää pikkusormensa ympärille = to wrap around one's little fingerkiertää veroja = to evade taxes Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic keertädäk, equivalent to kier- +‎ -tää. Show more arrow right
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