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(transitive) toturn, twist, screw, rotate(transitive) toroll (up)(transitive) towind, wrap(transitive, + partitive) tocircle, goaround, circumvent(transitive or intransitive; tr. -> + partitive) toroam, rove, wander(transitive, e.g. of a satellite, + partitive) toorbit(transitive) tosurround, encircle(transitive, + genitive-accusative) toround.(transitive) tocircumvent, evade, dodge, avoid(transitive) tocircumvent, getaround/past(intransitive) tospin, turn, revolve(intransitive, of piston) toreciprocate(intransitive, of blood in vessels) tocirculate(intransitive) togoaround (from person to person)tomaketherounds, dotherounds (to circulate from one place to another)Fin:Sen julkkiksen alastonkuvat ovat kiertäneet iltapäivälehdissä.Eng:The naked photos of that celebrity have been making the rounds in the tabloids.tomaketherounds, dotherounds (to go from one place to another for a particular reason)Fin:Sairaalan lääkärit tarkastavat potilaat, kun he kiertävät yhdeksältä.Eng:The doctors at the hospital check on the patients when they make the rounds at nine o'clock.Show more (to turn, twist, screw) pyörittää(to roll (up)) kierittää, kääriä(to wind, wrap) kietoa(to circle, go around, circumvent) kulkeaympäri (+ partitive, when circling the object continuously; + genitive-accusative, when doing one trip around sth)(to roam, rove, wander) kulkeaympäri (+ partitive, when -"-; + genitive-accusative, when -"-)(to orbit) kulkea + partitive + ympäri(to surround, encircle) ympäröidä(to circumvent, evade, dodge, avoid) vältellä(to circumvent, get around/past) ohittaa(to spin, turn, revolve) pyöriäShow more NounskierrekierroskiertokiertolainenkiertuekiertäminenkiertäjäVerbsfrequentative kierrelläcausative kierrättääpassive kiertyämomentanepassive kierähtääcausative kieräyttääcausativefrequentative kieräytelläfrequentativecausative kierrätelläpassivereflexive kiertäytyäfrequentative kiertyilläkiertääkaukaa = to give a wide berth to, keep one's distance from, steer clear of, stay away fromkiertääkuinkissakuumaapuuroa = to beat around the bushkiertäälakia = to get around the law, dodge the lawkiertääpikkusormensaympärille = to wrap around one's little fingerkiertääveroja = to evade taxesShow more From Proto-Finnic keertädäk, equivalent to kier- + -tää.Show more Press Esc to closeSource: uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.