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(intransitive) to appear, put in/make an appearance, show up, show oneself, turn up (intransitive) to behave, act, conduct oneself (intransitive) to perform, act, play (in a theatrical role) (intransitive) to pose as, play the part/role of, pretend to be, impersonate (in a deceitful sense), purport oneself to be (as = essive) Fin:Hän esiintyy kansainvälisenä liikemiehenä.Eng:He purports himself to be an international man of affairs. (intransitive, + essive) To serve as, act as, appear as Fin:Hän esiintyy oikeudessa syyttäjänä.Eng:S/he acts as a prosecutor in court. (intransitive) to occur, appear Fin:Tämä sana esiintyy myös harvinaisemmissa sijamuodoissa.Eng:This word occurs also in rarer cases.Fin:Sana esiintyy kirjassa 300 (~ kolmesataa) kertaa.Eng:The word occurs 300 times in the book. (intransitive) to be (to be) found, there are/were/have been/had been traces/deposits of (subject often in partitive -> verb in 3rd-pers. sg.) Fin:Suomessa ei esiinny öljyä.Eng:There are no oil deposits in Finland.Fin:Haukea ei esiinny niissä järvissä.Eng:Pike is not found in those lakes. Show more arrow right (to appear, show/turn up): näyttäytyä(to behave, act, conduct oneself): käyttäytyä(to act, play): esittää(to pose as, pretend to be, impersonate): esittää (+ partitive), tekeytyä (+ translative), teeskennellä olevan + possessive suffix according to the subject(to serve as, act as): toimia Show more arrow right Nouns esiintyjäesiintymä Show more arrow right esiin +‎ -tyä Show more arrow right
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